Adventure Lab Logos

Adventure Lab Logo 150dpi

Adventure Lab Logo 150dpi

Adventure Lab Logo 72dpi

Adventure Lab Logo 72dpi

Adventure Lab Logo 300dpi

Adventure Lab Logo 300dpi

Adventure Lab Balloon 150dpi

Adventure Lab Balloon 150dpi

Adventure Lab Logo Background 150dpi

Adventure Lab Logo Background 150dpi


If you are an Adventure Lab creator, you may use the logo designs above, regardless of whether your Adventure is sponsored or non-commercial, as long as you do all of the following:

  • Do promptly respond to any requests by us to remove our logos or change your use.

  • Don't alter the logos in any way.

  • Don't use the logos in such a way that people may think that Geocaching, rather than you, is the owner of your Adventure.

Additionally, for any online use outside of the Adventure Lab app:

  • Do hyperlink the Adventure Lab logo to

  • Do provide the following attribution: The Adventure Lab logo is copyright Groundspeak, Inc. DBA Geocaching.